Saturday, January 15, 2011

Top Stories January 15th

Roads “Snow Covered and Slippery”

1/15/11 - Snow last night and this morning has left area roads snow covered and slippery. Since 6pm last night there were at least five-accidents in Dodge County and multiple runoffs. The snow totals aren’t huge as a weather spotter just outside of Beaver Dam is reporting 3.2-inches fell while in Fond du Lac they got 2.8-inches. The biggest issue the 10 to 15-mile per hour winds that is causing blowing and drifting snow. We aren’t expecting much more snow, and we’ll only see scattered flurries today. However, authorities are asking people to take it slow wherever they are going this morning.

Another Chapter Opens in BDUSD Lawsuit

1/15/11 - An attorney for a woman suing the Beaver Dam School District and Superintendent Steve Vessey has asked that at least one person from the district give pre-trial testimony on a variety of topics involving her open records lawsuit. Cheryl Grulke filed a lawsuit last month in an effort to get the district to release documents that her attorney, Bob Shumaker, believes will show that she was harassed by former high school principal Don Patnode and two other employees while working in the schools main office. Shumaker said the deposition, which will take place later this month, will touch on 25 different topics related to the documents, including why Patnode was moved to the Don Smith Learning Center. Vessey says they’ve passed the subpoena on to the legal team working on the case for their insurance company.

Senate to Vote on Bill to Limit Punitive Damages

1/15/11 - The Wisconsin Senate is scheduled to vote next Tuesday on a bill capping punitive damages that can be recovered in civil lawsuits. A Senate committee approved changes in the state law yesterday. Republicans and businesses aligned with them have been asking for these reforms for years. The bill advanced Friday is the centerpiece of Governor Scott Walker's jobs creation agenda. This legislation might not create jobs directly, but Walker says it would improve the climate for business in the state. Trial lawyers say it would make it harder to stop bad conduct in Wisconsin.

Priebus Named RNC Chairman

1/15/11 - The chair of the Wisconsin Republican Party is moving on to the national stage. Reince Priebus won the National Committee chairmanship Friday afternoon, following seven rounds of balloting and the defeat of four other candidates. Priebus will replace outgoing RNC Chairman Michael Steele, who dropped out of the running early when he quickly fell behind in votes. Priebus held the lead in votes among the candidates after the first round of balloting and continued to gain steam until he secured the needed support.

Public Financing in Place for State Supreme Court Race

1/15/11 - The Government Accountability Board has approved public financing for three State Supreme Court candidates. But one of the candidates is still challenging one of the state’s judicial campaign rules. Incumbent Justice David Prosser and two of his three challengers, Madison attorney's Joanne Kloppenberg and Joel Winnig, have qualified for up to $400,000 in public financing under the newly adopted Impartial Justice rules. Prosser will have to return money he raised from out of state contributors, and Kloppenberg raised more than the limit for qualifying and will return several thousand dollars to the public fund. Winnig also raised more of his money in cash contributions than the rules allow. But the board agreed that doesn't disqualify him. However Winnig has filed a suit now pending before the federal court in Madison. He wants to strike down the rule that requires judicial candidates to ask for money though their campaign staff instead of in person. That case won't be decided until after the April election.

Kuenzi Sentenced in Homicide Case

1/15/11 - A Waupaca judge has sentenced Rory Kuenzi to 23 years in prison for his role in the 2006 death of another man. Kuenzi was convicted in November of OWI homicide and hit-and-run for the death of Kevin McCoy. Kuenzi hit him with his truck while leaving an underage drinking party. Waupaca County Circuit Court Judge Phil Kirk described Kuenzi as a sociopath and a failure who was beyond redemption during sentencing. The judge also pointed to Kuenzi’s arrest as part of a group of men accused of running down deer while snowmobiling two years ago as a sign of his inability to feel remorse. Kirk says the sentence is part of a system that recognizes the need to identify and remove sociopaths from society. Kathy Marsen, the mother of McCoy, told the court during sentencing that she does not believe Kuenzi feels any remorse for the injuries he causes to humans or animals and that “what he does to others makes him smile.”

Dead Cows Still a Mystery

1/15/11 - In Portage County they are trying to figure what killed 200 cows. The cattle were found in a field in the Town of Stockton. The Portage County Sheriff's office says the cattle owner has been working with a veterinarian. It's thought the animals died from a virus that can cause respiratory and reproductive problems. Samples from the dead cows have been sent to a Madison lab for testing.

One Sheriff Says No to Collecting Info on Motorists

1/15/11 - Wisconsin law enforcement officers are supposed to be collecting information about vehicle occupants during traffic stops as part of a new law that took effect January 1st, aimed at curbing racial profiling, but at least one sheriff is not doing it. Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth said what was promoted as a simple form to fill out is in reality a page & a half, and takes too long. “In November, I actually saw the form for the first time, and I’m just like ‘this is absolutely crazy.’ State legislators, I think they tried to do something that was good, and they were looking forward to make sure that there was no racism. I have no issue with that.” Beth says he put his foot down and said ‘no,’ because it will keep his deputies from enforcing the traffic laws. The sheriff says he expects there to be some kind of financial penalty from the state for non-compliance, but also wants to take this issue to lawmakers in Madison.

Minnesota Tells Wisconsin to “Pay Up”

1/15/11 - Minnesota’s governor has written a letter to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, asking the Badger State to make good on a 58 million dollar tax reciprocity payment that Governor Mark Dayton says is past due. Dayton, a Democrat, says Wisconsin’s “failure to fulfill its responsibility for reimbursement” compelled his predecessor to terminate the reciprocity agreement. Dayton says while he regrets that several thousand citizens now must file income tax returns in both states, he concurs with former Governor Tim Pawlenty’s decision. Wisconsin officials say they can’t pay up until sometime in the next fiscal year, which begins July 1st. Minnesota officials say Wisconsin will also owe 45 hundred dollars in interest for each day the payment is delayed. Dayton is asking Walker that Wisconsin make the payment “in the very near future.” A Walker spokesman says the Wisconsin governor says Walker was scheduled to talk to Governor Dayton over the phone Friday to talk about the tax reciprocity deal, until Dayton canceled that phone call.

BDACT Performing “Whistle While You Work”

1/15/11 - The Beaver Dam Area Community Theater this weekend is presenting their first-ever Disney musical review. “Whistle While You Work” co-director Brian Tuel (tool) says they will perform 60 of their favorite songs during the 90 minute show. Most of them are medley’s built around popular Disney themes: from love songs, to royal princesses and, of course, flying. The closing medley is a smattering of Disney’s most non-sensical offerings, including “Bippity-Boppity-Boo” and “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” Among the movies they draw from: Mary Poppin’s, The Lion King, Aladdin, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and one of the earliest Disney cartoon’s “Steamboat Willie” featuring the song “Minnie’s Yoo-Hoo” which dates back to 1928.

Matinee performances of “Whistle While You Work” are at 2pm Saturday and Sunday afternoon. There is also a 7pm Saturday night performance. Tickets are $5 for kids, $10 for adults and are available at Rechek’s Food Pride or at the door.

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