Monday, March 26, 2012

Top Stories March 26th

Local Mayoral Candidates on WBEV This Week

3/26/12 - On Community Comment this week will be hearing from local mayoral candidates in contested races on next week’s ballot. On today’s program we welcome Waupun incumbent Mayor Jodi Steger along with her challengers Todd Snow and Jay Graff. Tomorrow we turn our focus to the city of Juneau where incumbent Mayor Ron Bosak is being challenged by Alderman and Finance Committee Chair Robert “Mac” Affeld. In Horicon, there are two candidates appearing on the ballot and three declared write-in candidates. On Wednesday, we will be speaking with write-in candidates Paul Moxham and Alderman Steve Neitzel. Thomas “Toby” Anfinson is invited but has not yet confirmed. On Thursday, we welcome ballot candidate Craig Reiger. Craig Muenchow is invited but has not yet confirmed. Beaver Dam Mayor Tom Kennedy is up for re-election to a third term next month but is facing no opposition. He will join us on Friday as part of his regular monthly appearance. Community Comment airs weekdays on WBEV 1430AM beginning at 12:35pm.

Santorum Coming to Beaver Dam

3/26/12 - GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum addressed a crowd of over 300 people at Ledgeview Lanes in Fond du Lac Sunday afternoon. Fresh off a victory in the Louisiana primary Santorum talked about Obamacare's failure, jobs, doing something about gasoline prices and took pokes at Mitt Romney. Santorum urged those attending to be "Game Changers" and help him win the Wisconsin primary and the Presidential Race.

While Santorum’s rally in Fond du Lac went on without a hitch, that wasn’t the case in Racine. He told a large crowd last night that Romney is quote, “the worst Republican in the country to put up against Barack Obama.” And when he tried to clarify the remark later, Santorum used a profanity to reporters and told one to quote, “Quit distorting my words.” When reporters questioned him further, he said he only meant to criticize Romney’s health care record as governor of Massachusetts. Romney spokesman Ryan Williams was at the Racine rally and said Santorum was “panicking in the final stages of his campaign.” Williams said he sees conservatives gathering around Romney and quote, “He’s rattled by the backlash caused by his suggestion that keeping Barack Obama would be better than electing a Republican.” Santorum said that last week and later took it back. Santorum will be making an appearance in Beaver Dam tomorrow. According to his campaign website, he’ll be at the Beaver Dam Elks Lodge around 11:30 tomorrow morning.

Absentee Voting Ends Friday

3/26/12 - Wisconsinites have until this Friday to vote absentee in the state’s April 3 presidential primary and local elections. The early voting will be cut off after Friday under the requirements of the voter I-D law passed by Republicans last year. Only part of the law was struck down by two Dane County judges this month – the part that requires a valid photo I-D to get a ballot. And that could still go back in place, after the Justice Department filed new appeals last week. But other parts of the voter law are still in effect. Dodge County Clerk Karen Gibson says that includes an earlier end to absentee voting on the Friday before an election instead of the Monday before. Ballots sent by mail can still be postmarked by Election Day, but they have to arrive in the clerk’s office by four p-m the Friday after the election. Also, voters must still live at their present addresses 28 days instead of the previous 10 days. Proof of residency is still required to register, and having someone to vouch for you is not good enough anymore. Also, voters must still sign in at the polling places.

DCSO Joins Wisconsin VINE Program

3/26/12 - The Dodge County Sheriffs Department has partnered with the Department of Justice in providing data to the Wisconsin VINE Network. It stands for “Victim Information & Notification Everyday” and Sheriff Todd Nehls says the resource allows crime victims and the public to access information about offenders who are in the custody of the sheriffs department. It also allows victims to receive automated notification if the status of the offender changes. Nehls says Wisconsin VINE is designed to empower and protect crime victims, improve public safety, and assist corrections, law enforcement and victim service providers. The service is anonymous and confidential. Those who register will be able to receive automated telephone calls and/or email notification when there is a change in the offender’s custody status. Registration can be done online or by calling a toll-free number. Contact information is on our website Call 1-888-944-8463 or visit the website at

Columbus Police Interviewing Applicants For Auxiliary

3/26/12 - Columbus Police are adding extra personnel to their ranks for special events such as the 4th of July Festivities and the Horse and Carriage / Civil War History Celebration. Chief Dan Meister told the City Council recently that applicants for the Auxiliary positions have already been interviewed. The volunteer “auxiliary” officers will be trained for duties such as crowd and traffic control. The Council approved the plan for Auxiliary officers last year and recruiting has resulted in the first group of candidates.

Police Looking For Suspicious Near Fox Lake Playground

3/26/12 - Local authorities are looking for a suspicious man who was following children near a park in the Town of Fox Lake. Fox Lake police received a report Saturday night around 8:30pm of a man following two, eleven-year-old children from the playground to Cordelia Street. The man was the only occupant of a vehicle described as a tan BMW with spots on the window, possibly from tinting. Anyone with information should contact the Fox Lake Police Department.

Watertown Man Arrested For Exposing Himself

3/26/12 - A Watertown man was arrested early Sunday morning for allegedly exposing himself. The 23-year-old was taken into custody while walking down the middle of Highway 67 near County Highway O in the Town of Oak Grove around 12:30am. He was taken to the Dodge County Jail on charges of Disorderly Conduct.

2010 Dodge County Fairest An Alice Finalist

3/26/12 - The 2010 Dodge County Fairest of the Fair is one of the finalists to be the state’s next Alice in Dairyland. Danielle Hammer of Beaver Dam is competing against five other finalists from Janesville, Oshkosh, Elk Mound, Green Bay and Lodi. The selection will be made in Grant County in mid-May with the one-year term promoting the state’s Ag Department beginning June 4. Marathon County’s Katie Wirkus is the current Alice in Dairyland. Her predecessor, Christine Lepple Lidner, was also from Beaver Dam.

Discover Dodge Launches Website, Guide

3/26/12 - The new local tourism agency Discover Dodge has officially launched its website and unveiled its annual Visitor’s Guide. Phil Fritsche with the 12-member board for Discover Dodge says the organization will promote every attraction and business in the county, regardless of their affiliation with the organization, at no charge. Fritsche says though there will be enhanced benefits for members. The website is and the visitors guide is available at all Chamber offices in Dodge County, member businesses and also along the Highway 151 and I-94 corridors. A link to the online version of the Visitors Guide can be found here:

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