BDPD Compliance Check Results in Three Citations
9/18/09 - The Beaver Dam Police Department conducted alcohol compliance checks at 18 drinking establishments Wednesday night. Deputy Chief Dan Schubert says three businesses were cited. The Cellar on Rowell Street and Casa Mora on South Center were issued citations for selling alcohol to minors. In addition, a bartender at the Cellar was cited for not having a valid server’s license. Neither establishment was open during a previous compliance sweep, which resulted in warnings to nine of the 32 liquor establishments checked. Applebee’s on North Spring Street was given a warning during the last sweep, and Wednesday night was also issued the citation. The citations will be referred to the city’s Administrative Committee at which time demerit points could be given to the businesses under an ordinance that was recently adopted by the common council. Once a business gets a certain number of points, their liquor license could be suspended or even revoked. Because this is the first time the demerits could be assigned to an offending establishment, it is unknown what the exact process will be.
Zapotockny Names EOC Director
9/18/09 - The next Emergency Operations Director for Columbus has been named. Councilman Tyler Walker presented the report from the EOC Ad Hoc committee naming former Councilman and EOC Director Bob Zapotocny to the post. Walker praised Zapotockny for his past efforts working on Emergency Management in the City. The EOC Ad Hoc committee has been working with Interim Director Gerald Sallman and Assistant Director Zapotockny since last February updating Emergency Operations procedures for the City and redefining the role of EOC Director. Now that the new EOC plan is in place, the Ad Hoc committee will be disbanded. Administrator Boyd Kraemer assured citizens that plans are in place to respond to any possible area Emergency occurring between October, when the interim contracts expire, and January when Zapotockny begins the $4,000 per year post. The Common Council praised the EOC plan updates and welcomed Zapotockny back as Director.
Dodgeland Ratifies Teachers Contract
9/18/09 - For the first time in nearly a quarter-century, teachers in the Dodgeland School District have started the school year with a contract in place. The school board this week ratified the three-year contract which includes a 3.8% increase for 77 certified employees; that includes teachers, counselors and other staff members. On August 27, the Dodgeland Education Association signed off on the contract. A tentative contract was unanimously approved by the school board this week and after some minor language changes are made the document will be back for a final vote at an upcoming meeting. Superintendent Annette Thompson says it was a wonderful way to start the school year.
Unemployment Dips
9/18/09 - Wisconsin’s unemployment rate dropped in August for the third month in a row. But the new un-adjusted rated of eight-point-four percent is still the highest for an August since 1983. Also, the state had 112-thousand fewer jobs than the year before. That’s a percentage loss of three-point-eight – a slightly larger loss than in July. Factories cut a net of almost 50-thousand jobs in Wisconsin since last August. Even so, the state’s jobless rate is one-point-two percent less than the national rate of nine-point-six percent. State Workforce Development secretary Roberta Gassman touted the lower unemployment and said there were signs elsewhere of an economic turnaround. Still, she said her agency was committed to helping those out of work while keeping the economy moving forward.
Probation For Teen Burglars
9/18/09 - Three teens have been sentenced to probation for burglarizing a friend’s house. Eric Wenninger, Zachary Mittag and Race Ranta were also recently ordered to pay $3100 in restitution. The three 17-year-old’s, and another minor, used a key under a doormat to enter a Town of Rubicon home and steal a computer, a guitar and several DVDs. They had called their unsuspecting friend first to make sure no one was home. When authorities started asking questions, the group drove into the country and ditched the stolen goods along the side of the road. Wenninger, Mittag and Ranta all had felony burglary counts dismissed and plead to misdemeanor theft charges.
Two Men Killed In Highway Fight
9/18/09 - Two men killed by a car while fighting on a Lafayette County highway were identified today as 32-year-old Leonard Harris and 29-year-old Avari Baker, both of Freeport Illinois. Sheriff’s deputies said the two were arguing last night in a car driven by a 32-year-old Darlington woman. She stopped on Highway 78, just north of the Wisconsin-Illinois line. And the two men got out and started to fight. Both were on the ground when another car came by and ran them over. That driver – a 33-year-old Monroe woman – was taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Investigators said she could not see the brawlers in time to avoid hitting them. Their driver – the Darlington woman – was cited for drunk driving.
9/18/09 - The Beaver Dam Police Department conducted alcohol compliance checks at 18 drinking establishments Wednesday night. Deputy Chief Dan Schubert says three businesses were cited. The Cellar on Rowell Street and Casa Mora on South Center were issued citations for selling alcohol to minors. In addition, a bartender at the Cellar was cited for not having a valid server’s license. Neither establishment was open during a previous compliance sweep, which resulted in warnings to nine of the 32 liquor establishments checked. Applebee’s on North Spring Street was given a warning during the last sweep, and Wednesday night was also issued the citation. The citations will be referred to the city’s Administrative Committee at which time demerit points could be given to the businesses under an ordinance that was recently adopted by the common council. Once a business gets a certain number of points, their liquor license could be suspended or even revoked. Because this is the first time the demerits could be assigned to an offending establishment, it is unknown what the exact process will be.
Zapotockny Names EOC Director
9/18/09 - The next Emergency Operations Director for Columbus has been named. Councilman Tyler Walker presented the report from the EOC Ad Hoc committee naming former Councilman and EOC Director Bob Zapotocny to the post. Walker praised Zapotockny for his past efforts working on Emergency Management in the City. The EOC Ad Hoc committee has been working with Interim Director Gerald Sallman and Assistant Director Zapotockny since last February updating Emergency Operations procedures for the City and redefining the role of EOC Director. Now that the new EOC plan is in place, the Ad Hoc committee will be disbanded. Administrator Boyd Kraemer assured citizens that plans are in place to respond to any possible area Emergency occurring between October, when the interim contracts expire, and January when Zapotockny begins the $4,000 per year post. The Common Council praised the EOC plan updates and welcomed Zapotockny back as Director.
Dodgeland Ratifies Teachers Contract
9/18/09 - For the first time in nearly a quarter-century, teachers in the Dodgeland School District have started the school year with a contract in place. The school board this week ratified the three-year contract which includes a 3.8% increase for 77 certified employees; that includes teachers, counselors and other staff members. On August 27, the Dodgeland Education Association signed off on the contract. A tentative contract was unanimously approved by the school board this week and after some minor language changes are made the document will be back for a final vote at an upcoming meeting. Superintendent Annette Thompson says it was a wonderful way to start the school year.
Unemployment Dips
9/18/09 - Wisconsin’s unemployment rate dropped in August for the third month in a row. But the new un-adjusted rated of eight-point-four percent is still the highest for an August since 1983. Also, the state had 112-thousand fewer jobs than the year before. That’s a percentage loss of three-point-eight – a slightly larger loss than in July. Factories cut a net of almost 50-thousand jobs in Wisconsin since last August. Even so, the state’s jobless rate is one-point-two percent less than the national rate of nine-point-six percent. State Workforce Development secretary Roberta Gassman touted the lower unemployment and said there were signs elsewhere of an economic turnaround. Still, she said her agency was committed to helping those out of work while keeping the economy moving forward.
Probation For Teen Burglars
9/18/09 - Three teens have been sentenced to probation for burglarizing a friend’s house. Eric Wenninger, Zachary Mittag and Race Ranta were also recently ordered to pay $3100 in restitution. The three 17-year-old’s, and another minor, used a key under a doormat to enter a Town of Rubicon home and steal a computer, a guitar and several DVDs. They had called their unsuspecting friend first to make sure no one was home. When authorities started asking questions, the group drove into the country and ditched the stolen goods along the side of the road. Wenninger, Mittag and Ranta all had felony burglary counts dismissed and plead to misdemeanor theft charges.
Two Men Killed In Highway Fight
9/18/09 - Two men killed by a car while fighting on a Lafayette County highway were identified today as 32-year-old Leonard Harris and 29-year-old Avari Baker, both of Freeport Illinois. Sheriff’s deputies said the two were arguing last night in a car driven by a 32-year-old Darlington woman. She stopped on Highway 78, just north of the Wisconsin-Illinois line. And the two men got out and started to fight. Both were on the ground when another car came by and ran them over. That driver – a 33-year-old Monroe woman – was taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Investigators said she could not see the brawlers in time to avoid hitting them. Their driver – the Darlington woman – was cited for drunk driving.
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